The Matrix Resources

This site has everything from analysis of characters and symbolism to all the little details and tidbits you didn't even know you wanted to know. Keep in mind it's fan made, so sometimes the ideas get a little out there.

Here is the official fan site (if that's not too much on an oxymoron). It's got everything from interviews and analysis to info on other Wachowski creations and even news about the latest Matrix vinyl figurines. What more could you want?
Articles and Interviews

The Wachowskis don't get out much. But when Cloud Atlas came out they did do a few promotional interviews and here's one where Lana talks a bit about the Matrix Trilogy. Matrix talk starts around the fifteen-minute mark.

Morpheus talks about reality in terms of electrical signals in our brain. This science-focused blog does a great job at combining the mounds of philosophy in and outside of the movie with the hard grounds of neuroscience.

Well, as it turns out, the Matrix isn't a virtual reality. It was all filmed using real people (gasp!). There is tons of behind-the-scenes footage on Youtube and it's all very interesting. This link will give a few to sample from.

Everyone's got a favorite scene, and here is one of ours. It's just your typical over dinner discussion about experience, consciousness, sensation, qualia… you know. Mouse likes to keep it light.

Remember Choi? No? Well he might not be an important character but he sure is prophetic. Actually, this scene by itself has been the cause for a lot of our themes and symbolism analysis in this guide. See if you can catch them all.

How could we leave you without this scene? It's our first visual of Morpheus and is the staging point for the rest of the film. It's the viewer's (and Neo's) last moment of blissful ignorance… and it has plenty of lightning and dramatic music.

Wait, people used to make fun of Windows XP… if only they knew. This isn't going to give you any new insight but it will give you a few laughs.

If you're down to dig deep into the recesses of the Matrix Trilogy for some philosophical insight, this is your video. Yes, it's an hour long but it's totally worth it. We've got everything from Plato's Allegory of the Cave to Gnosticism and every religion and philosophical viewpoint in between.