Schindler's List Resources

Here's the official link to the foundation that Steven Spielberg set up with the profits from Schindler's List.

The assembled critics weigh in… and that 96% suggests that something may be wrong with the other 4%.

Another passel of critical reviews for your perusal.

The "official" website recounting the real-life history of Oskar Schindler.

No one's going to make another version of this story, but here's the novel on which it's based.

Here's a PDF copy of the shooting script, which differs slightly from the actual movie, since there was some ad-libbing, and some scenes got cut in editing.

Believe it or not, the seriousness of the film was the source of a "Seinfeld" spoof. Jerry's spotted making out with his girlfriend at a showing of the film, and Elaine's friend laments that he "could have done more" to be a better host to Jerry's parents. Ever wondered what "chutzpah" was? This was it.

Here's a copy of the actual list that Oskar Schindler and Itzhak Stern made.

The real-life Stern met up with Oskar Schindler again in 1962, along with a number of other Schindlerjuden (Schindler Jews).

From the Jewish Virtual Library.

From the Holocaust Research Project.

AMC provides some blow-by-blow insight into the film.

The one and only, late great Roger Ebert delivers his thoughts on the movie.

A review of the film from the venerable showbiz mag.

If you didn't, you will now. Mental Floss has the behind-the-scenes 411.

This is the official trailer for the film released in 1993.

Spielberg still has brown hair in the clip of his speech after winning the Oscar for Best Director in 1994.

Spielberg and his producing partners accept the Best Picture Oscar, and Spielberg makes the pleas that will eventually set up the Shoah Foundation.

Siskel and Ebert unfold their thoughts on Schindler.

Bet you can't guess what it is.

Want to know more about the man? Here's a fascinating bio from A&E, including his life after the war until his death.

The original poster for the movie.

And his real list.

Smile for the mug shot, you filthy animal.

Schindler's grave on Mount Zion outside Jerusalem. The Hebrew inscriptions means "a righteous among the nations."

The boys put it all together on location in Poland.

The Krakow ghetto today, with a plaque on one of the existing walls.