
This is the official site for the trademarked Sherlock Holmes brand, which has forums, some cool images, and background info and Conan Doyle and Holmes.

The official website of Conan Doyle's literary estate, which has information on the author, his writing, and film adaptations of the Sherlock Holmes stories.

Official website of a major Sherlock Holmes society, with a ton of information on the stories and Conan Doyle.

Cool site where you can find out every geographic reference made in every Sherlock Holmes story. Holmes really was a globe-trotter.

Site for the Masterpiece Theater production of "Sherlock Holmes and the Silk Stocking." This site has interviews with the actors and lots of info and links about Sherlock Holmes.

Fun site comparing how Dr. House of the TV show House has a lot in common with Sherlock Holmes.

Official site for The Strand, where most of the Sherlock Holmes stories were published. Includes lots of historical background on The Strand and the Sherlock Holmes legacy.

Great article that gives a rundown of the publishing history of Sherlock Holmes and explores fan reactions and questions over the years, including people who play the "Great Game," or pretend that Holmes is actually a real person.

Timeline for Holmes, Watson, and Conan Doyle, organized into a handy chart.

BBC history website with tons of information on crime, criminals, police, and detective fiction in the Victorian era.

Article on VictorianWeb about crime and literature in the Victorian era.

Site with lots of background info on Victorian detective fiction, as well as the evolution of detective fiction over time and into the present.

Fun website that includes news, top 10 lists, and quotes from the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Movie or TV Productions

IMDb page for the new Sherlock Holmes movie directed by Guy Richie and starring Robert Downey, Jr. as Holmes and Jude Law as Watson.

TV adaptations of stories from The Return of Sherlock Holmes, starring Jeremy Brett.
Historical Documents

A site for the school's special collections library that has lots of source material on Conan Doyle and Holmes. The site has sections on all of the Sherlock Holmes stories, organized by year published, as well as cool images of things like Conan Doyle's letters and original manuscripts.

Read The Return of Sherlock Holmes for free online or search for quotes in this Project Gutenberg e-text.

Trailer on the Apple website, which you can view in HD.

YouTube playlist for The Return of Sherlock Holmes TV series, which includes lots of the stories featured in The Return of Sherlock Holmes, the book. Tip: try searching "Return of Sherlock Homes" on YouTube; you'll come up with clips from nearly every story featured in the book.

Footage of a 1930 interview with Conan Doyle, where he talks about Sherlock Holmes.

Hour-long documentary on YouTube about Sherlock Holmes in radio, film, and TV over the years.

A trailer for the video game. This is either crazy awesome or a sign of the apocalypse. We're not really sure.

An NPR interview with the editor of the two-volume Annotated Sherlock Holmes.

A free audiobook of The Return of Sherlock Holmes, which you can stream or download. This one features a professional reading by a guy with a fun British accent.

Famous illustration of Holmes by Sidney Paget, who illustrated the Sherlock Holmes stories that appeared in The Strand magazine.

Huge collection of images, including Paget's illustrations for all thirteen stories in The Return of Sherlock Holmes, famous Holmes sites around the world, and images from film adaptations.