Meet the Cast
Albus Severus Potter
Recipe for Disaster Welcome to Potions Class. We're your professor, Shmooperus Shmape. Today we'll show you how to make a concoction that will turn anyone into Albus Severus Potter.Step one: start...
Scorpius Malfoy
Magical BromanceSome families just keep feuding. Capulets and Montagues. Earnshaws and Lintons. Hatfields and McCoys.And, of course, Potters and Malfoys.We never thought we'd see the day when a Pot...
Harry Potter
Bad DadIn his lifetime, Harry Potter goes from the "Boy Who Lived" to the "Teen Who Killed Voldemort" to, in The Cursed Child, the "Adult Man Who Listens to a Psychic Half-Horse in the Woods Instea...
Draco Malfoy
Blonde AmbitionDraco Malfoy has lived his entire life feeling jealous of and inferior to Harry Potter. And he was right to: Harry was smarter, nobler, and had a way cooler scar. But Draco should fe...
Delphini Diggory
Snake CharmerDelphini "Delphi" Diggory is Voldemort's secret daughter (wow, the Potterverse is turning into a soap opera). She wants to resurrect the Dark Lord—not necessarily to bring evil to th...
He Who Has Been Named So Many TimesVoldemort's nasty, pallid, nose-less presence hovers over the first part of the play in the form of rumor and dreams. Harry often has Voldemort-themed nightmares...
Hermione Granger-Weasley
If She Could Change The WorldSince the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hermione Granger has gained a husband (Ron), a hyphenated name, two kids (Rose and Hugo), and a position as the M...
Ron Weasley
Why So Serious?Ron is basically a comic relief character in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. He owns a joke shop. He makes goofy comments to Hermione, his wife. And he sends Albus a love potion....
Ginny Potter
Mama, Can You Hear Me?We spilled a bunch of proverbial ink explaining what a terrible father Harry is to Albus (check out Harry or Albus' character analysis for more details). But what about Ginny?...
The Potter and Weasley-Granger Children
The Kids are All RightWith the focus on Albus Severus, it's easy to forget that Harry and Ginny (and Hermione and Ron) had other kids. Harry also has James Jr., Albus' older brother, and Lily, Albu...
Amos Diggory
Ced's Dead, Baby. Ced's DeadAmos Diggory is either a) senile b) an idiot or c) still in the throes of grief over two decades after the death of his son. Any way you cut it, he's a tragic guy.Amos g...
Headmistress McGonagall
Same Shift, Different DayIf there's one character in the Potterverse we'd never mess with, it's McGonagall. She's tough as nails, sharp as a tack, neat as a pin and harder to get respect from than�...
Dumbledore's Portrait
A Million Little Brush StrokesDumbledore is deader than disco, so, in The Cursed Child, Harry has conversations with his headmaster's portrait. Yeah. We're not the only ones who think this is a lit...
Trip Down Memory LaneHarry Potter and the Cursed Child is chock full of cameos and reappearances of people from Harry Potter's past. We see Moaning Myrtle, Hagrid, Vernon and Petunia Dursley, Bane...