How It All Goes Down
The Dementor's Kiss
- On the way out of the passage, Black tells Harry that he's his godfather and invites Harry to live with him once his name gets cleared.
- Harry is thrilled and accepts immediately.
- Black smiles and Harry is struck by how much younger he looks.
- As they emerge outside, a cloud moves and reveals a full moon shining brightly.
- Hermione realizes that Lupin didn't take his potion tonight and Lupin starts to transform.
- Black transforms into a dog again and jumps at werewolf Lupin to keep him away from Harry and Hermione.
- Meanwhile, Peter grabs Lupin's wand, knocks out Ron, and turns back into a rat and runs away.
- Black runs after rat-Peter and Harry and Hermione follow him.
- But then a group of Dementors surround the group.
- Hermione tries to help Harry cast a Patronus charm at his prompting but the Dementors overwhelm her and she passes out (finally, not just Harry!).
- Sirius is out as well and Harry is the last one standing.
- The Dementor near him lowers his hood.
- "Where there should have been eyes, there was only thin, gray, scabbed skin, stretched blankly over empty sockets. But there was a mouth [...] a gaping , shapeless hole, sucking the air with the sound of a death rattle" (20.67).
- Pardon us while we run away screaming.
- The Dementor leans down to suck out Harry's soul.
- But then a bright while light appears and drives the Dementors back.
- As Harry passes out, he sees a familiar looking figure reaching out to pat a silvery animal.
- But then he loses consciousness.

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