The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest Resources

At this site, you can join a reading group and share your ideas on the novel with friends!

The site includes book reviews, discussion boards, and lots of cool info.

This is an awesome fan site, loaded with good stuff.

This website is almost too stylish for us to take. And we mean this in a good way.

The man who translated the trilogy from Swedish to English has a really nifty blog.

Michael Nyqvist and Noomi Rapace star as Blomkvist and Salander.

Can hackers really do all the stuff that Salander does in the Millennium trilogy? Check out this interview discussing Salander's hactivism.

This article compares Salander with other powerful, petite female agents of justice.

Vanity Fair's Christopher Hitchens dishes on Larsson, Salander, and much more.

Check out this fascinating look at some of Larsson's extracurricular activities.

The AV Club isn't kind to the final installment of the trilogy.

Jeffrey Brown talks with Larsson's Swedish editor Eva Gedin.

Pat Ryan explores Salander and Blomkvist's roots in children's lit.

The Rolling Stone reviewer weighs in on film adaptation of Hornet's Nest.

This CBS feature explores the amazing popularity of Stieg Larsson's trilogy.

Richard Crouse interviews Michael Nyqvist, the guy who plays Blomkvist in the Swedish film adaptation.

Here's the trailer for the Swedish Film adaptation of Hornet's Nest. Enjoy.

If you like to read with your ears, this audio book is sure to please.

Purchase and download the Audiobook from Random House Audio

Larsson, at his desk, taking time out from reading the news to pose for this shot.

See Larsson as a baby, and much more in this interactive feature from the New York Times.