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Sex Quotes in The Girl Who Played With Fire

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The only person who understood Berger's passion for sex with Blomkvist was her husband, and he understood it because she dared to discuss her needs with him. It was not a matter of infidelity, but of desire. (7.83)

Interesting arrangement isn't it? Critics seem fond of saying that these novels promote stereotypes of Sweden as a place where everybody is wild and free about sex. But if you look closely, you can see that the novels represent Sweden as having conservative norms about sex. (Think: the cops' reaction to Mimmi's toys.) Berger and Blomkvist's relationship is very unconventional.

Quote #8

The optimum gratification for her would probably be threesome with her husband and Blomkvist, and that would never happen. Blomkvist was so straight she liked to tease him about being a homophobe. (7.111)

Ha! Berger would like to make the relationship even more unconventional. She is like the queen of sexual openness. This quote also clears up any questions you might have had about Blomkvist's sexual orientation.

Quote #9

Mimmi used Salander's T-shirt […] to tie her hands behind her back. (7.158)

Salander could not help thinking that this was similar to the way Nils F***ing Slimebag Bjurman had tied her up two years ago. (7.159)

The similarities ended there. (7.160)

Like Alice Sebold's best selling The Lovely Bones, this novel delights in contrasting unconventional, but consensual sex, with non-consensual sex that seems to have strange parallels. This is one of the clearest examples.