
Want to know a lot about electricity and Frankenstein? Like, a lot? Check out the National Institute of Health's website.

Want to know a lot—a lot about Frankenstein? Check out this annotated e-text, with references to clear up every question you could possibly ask about the novel.

Just want to read the novel without any of that silly "learning" stuff? Check out this Gutenberg e-text.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Frankenstein's movie history.
Movie or TV Productions

One hundred years after the 1831 edition of Frankenstein, Hollywood came out with the classic movie, with Boris Karloff as the monster.

You'd think this 1994 Kenneth Branagh joint—with Helena Bonham Carter and Robert De Niro—would have better reviews.

Tim Burton does some movie magic in 2012's Frankenweenie. Come on, who wouldn't want to reanimate the corpse of their favorite dog?

Two scholars discuss that pesky "spark of being."

Scholar Anne Mellor looks at Frankenstein as a feminist critique of science.

Ready to curl up with some good reading? Check out this long, long list of articles that Frankenstein has inspired.

Come on, what else are you going to do with the next 13 minutes than watch this (short) 1910 adaptation of Frankenstein?

The iconic scene from the 1931 movie. (Better than the book? Worse? Just different?)

Apparently, not everything Kenneth Branagh touches turns to gold.

Here's NPR talking about the weather's effect on Frankenstein.

BBC Radio 4 discusses vitalism (the idea that a "spark of being" keeps us all alive).

For the full effect of this audiobook, turn out the lights and listen in the dark.

Artist John Henry Fuseli was more than friends with Mary Shelley's mom, Mary Wollstonecraft. Supposedly this painting, The Nightmare, inspired Shelley's description of the dead Elizabeth. (Notice that the demon is crouching right where her uterus would be?)

The cover page for the first edition of Frankenstein isn't giving anything away.

Here's Boris Karloff in 1931 as the original Frankenstein-monster. He doesn't look so bad.