Fight Club Resources

Ready to worship Palahniuk the way the space monkeys worship Tyler Durden? Head on over to the official Palahniuk website, The Cult.
Movie or TV Productions

Palahniuk has opened his chakras to the awareness the movie has brought to his work, and he includes all you need to know about the movie on his own website.

Fight Club is on IMDb's list of top 500 films. Where do you rank the movie?

Enough said. (Be careful, not for the young'uns)
Articles and Interviews

One of the first documented interviews with Palahniuk is full of Fight Club and philosophy.

This interview not only reveals Palahniuk's romantic sensibilities, but also how the heck to pronounce his last name.

In this interview with 3AM Magazine, Palahniuk reveals his opinions on the Fight Club movie, as well as other potential book-to-movie adaptations in the works.

Edward Norton and Brad Pitt talk about the themes in Fight Club while resisting the urge to punch the interviewer in the face.

See how Fight Club transitions from page to screen in the movie trailer. It's a little intense.

See how Helena Bonham-Carter looks as Marla making her big entrance.

Snuggle up in Bob's bosom and let all the tears come out.

Chuck Palahniuk is the guy who started it all. Looks like he still has all his teeth.