Die Hard Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Die Hard.

Quote #7

SPECIAL AGENT JOHNSON: Just like f***in' Saigon, eh Slick?!

AGENT JOHNSON: I was in junior high, dickhead.

Check out the different ways in which the two agents Johnson (no relation) react to the attack-on-the-roof scenario. Special Agent Johnson—the older one—is thrilled to see some action, gleefully comparing it to the Vietnam War (which doesn't sound like a very appealing comparison, if you ask Shmoop). The younger one, with a detached expression on his face, just chuckles. Neither man seems too somber about the fact that they're heading into a situation in which innocent people might die. Desensitization much?

Quote #8

RICHARD THORNBURG: Mr. McClane! Mr. McClane! Now that it's all over, after this incredible ordeal, what are your feelings?

This is the moment Thornburg receives one heck of a right hook from our girl Holly. It's the single act of violence committed by a woman in the movie, and it's more of a Mama Bear moment than anything else. What do you think—was Holly's punch justified?