Die Hard Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Die Hard.

Quote #4

MCCLANE: You shoulda heard your brother squeal when I broke his f***ing neck!

As he's beating Karl senseless, having finally gained the upper hand in their brawl, McClane taunts him with this rather crass remark. To be fair, he's pretty angry about the fact that Karl has been trying to kill him for several hours straight. But still, does this line go a bit too far? It's certainly a darker side of McClane, that's for sure.

Quote #5

MCCLANE: M***********, I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna f***ing cook you, and I'm gonna f***ing eat you!

If you thought McClane was mad earlier in this brawl-with-Karl scene, well, now he's really cooking. Here, McClane gives voice to the many violent impulses that have peppered the movie. The calculated violence of Gruber's group turned to passionate feelings of revenge in Karl, and now that desire for revenge has made its way to McClane, too.

Quote #6

AGENT JOHNSON: What do you figure the breakage?

SPECIAL AGENT JOHNSON: Figure we take out the terrorists, lose 20, 25% of the hostages, tops.

AGENT JOHNSON: I can live with that.

Well, Shmoop can't. These sound like terrible odds, don't they. This line reminds us that these FBI agents are perhaps a little too accustomed to violence. In fact, they seem pretty eager for it.