Die Hard Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Die Hard.

Quote #7

GRUBER: When they touch down, we'll blow the roof, they'll spend a month sifting through the rubble, and by the time they figure out what went wrong, we'll be sitting on a beach, earning 20%.

Ah, retirement for the criminal set. You'd think that since Gruber claims he's an "exceptional thief," he'd have a more interesting retirement plan. You know, something a bit more exciting than Boca Raton.

Quote #8

RICHARD THORNBURG: Look. You let me in right now, or I call the INS. Comprende?

Ol' Dick Thornburg's a different kind of greedy. He's not after the dough. He wants his fifteen minutes of local news fame. He's what we'd call an opportunist, and that's putting it politely. The fact that he's willing to send poor Paulina to the deportation station says it all.

Quote #9

HOLLY: After all your posturing, all your little speeches, you're nothing but a common thief.

GRUBER: I'm an exceptional thief, Mrs. McClane. And since I'm moving up to kidnapping, you should be more polite.

You tell him, Holly. We love how she sounds almost disappointed here. Like she expects something a little more, well, exceptional than mere armed robbery.