Die Hard Greed Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Die Hard.

Quote #4

GRUBER: And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer. The benefits of a classical education.

It's fitting that the one time Gruber quotes a classic in the movie, it's about a historical figure so greedy, he had to conquer the known world.

Quote #5

GRUBER: Mr. Takagi, I'm not really interested in your computer. But I need the code key, because I am interested in the $640 million in negotiable bearer bonds that you have locked in your vault. And the computer controls the vault.

TAKAGI: You want money? What kind of terrorists are you?

GRUBER: Who said we were terrorists?

Oh, so this is what it's all about? When the audience finds out that Gruber's only after money, it shifts the dynamic of the movie. No longer is this a righteous political fight—it's all about the benjamins, baby. In some ways, this makes it easier for us to hate Gruber. The man is principle-less.

Quote #6

ELLIS: It's not what I want. It's what I can give you. Look, let's be straight, okay? It's obvious you're not some dumb schmuck up here to snatch some purses, am I right?

GRUBER: You're very perceptive.

ELLIS: I watch 60 Minutes, I say to myself, these guys are professional, they're motivated, they're happening, i.e they want something, huh? Now personally, I couldn't care less about your politics. Maybe you're pissed off at the camel jockeys, maybe it's the Hebes, Northern Ireland, it's none of my business. I figure you're here to negotiate, am I right?

GRUBER: You're amazing. You figured this all out already?

ELLIS: Hey, business is business. You use a gun, I use a fountain pen. What's the difference?

When you're a greedy guy like Ellis, you think the solution to every problem is a business deal. And it's that mentality that gets the poor guy killed.