Charon's Conversations

Wishing Thanatos and Hermes would bring me more souls. What's with the extended life expectancy these days?
Man, haven't you done enough ferrying for one eternity?
Seriously, what do you need money for anyway?

Respectfully wishing that Lord Hades would get a handle on his dog.
Charon why don't you ever visit your mother?!
What kind of a thing is that to say to your mother?
Oh, sure, blame your parents for everything.

I'm the son of the goddess of night and the god of primordial darkness.
I depress everybody I come near.
For the record, he's right. He's totally depressing.

Hey, Charon – coming down to visit Persephone. Hope the boat's ready for me!

For one, I've got a line of ghosts longer than the River Acheron. For
two, Lord Hades has forbid you to come down here after what happened last time.

I still miss you, Psyche...
You are seriously creepy.

I know I'm old and scary, but inside I'm a really good
person. You just never really gave me a chance.
We had the voyage into and out of the Underworld. You were creepy on both trips.
Listen up, corpse-breath, I'm married to Eros. He is Love. How do you expect to ever compete with that?
Um, I died in battle and no one could find my body to bury it. Can I get a free pass?
Hey, I'm working as fast as I can.