Amélie Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the French-to-English translated subtitles of Amélie.

Quote #7

AMÉLIE: I know I've made the mistake of my life. I turned down that woman's money. If all goes well, I'll soon be able to afford a house. I dream of better times ahead when you'll forgive me and join me here one orange-colored day. Your ever-loving Adrien.

Amélie crafts this love letter to the landlady from her dead husband by piecing together bits of his previous letters. So, on one hand, it's totally fake, but Amélie wouldn't have been able to make the letter at all if Madeleine's husband hadn't loved her at one point.

Quote #8

NARRATOR: Maybe her thoughts are with somebody else. […] More likely a boy she saw somewhere and felt an affinity with.

Dufayel realizes that Amélie's thoughts have begun to fixate on Nino. She wants to push her love for him aside and move on with her life, but Dufayel knows that her life will only be able to move on if it's with Nino.

Quote #9

NARRATOR: He's going to put down his spoon, dip his finger in the sugar, turn around slowly and speak to me.

We've been shown how Amélie appreciates little details that no one else notices, and she already knows this about Nino somehow from observing him. She probably wouldn't have picked up on such a small behavior were she not already falling for him.