Amélie Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the French-to-English translated subtitles of Amélie.

Quote #4

NEWSWOMAN: A woman without love wilts like a flower without the sun.

A newswoman says this to Georgette, making her consider starting a romance with Joseph. Does the newswoman have a point? Dufayel seems to be making the same suggestion to Amélie about Nino later in the movie, without using the exact same phrasing.

Quote #5

NARRATOR: She's in love.

When Nino is left one picture from his album as a clue, he wonders what type of girl could have left it for him. The picture speaks to him in his imagination, telling him that the girl is in love with him. It's a fantasy for him, and it mirrors a scene from earlier in which Amélie's paintings talked about her feelings for Nino, too. The fact that these two people have similar fantasies shows they are made for each other.

Quote #6

NARRATOR: Love, the only bug she hadn't caught.

Georgette, the hypochondriac, has pretty much had every sickness except lovesickness. Ironically, the love she has for Joseph turns out to be just as genuine as her sciatica (i.e., completely made up), and their relationship fizzles as quickly as all her other ailments.