All's Well That Ends Well Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #10

I think she has. Certain it is I liked her,
And boarded her i' th' wanton way of youth.
She knew her distance and did angle for me,
Madding my eagerness with her restraint,
As all impediments in fancy's course
Are motives of more fancy. (5.3.240-245)

In the previous passage, we heard Diana say that men like Bertram lose interest in the women they've been pursuing once they've had sex with them. This passage is evidence that Diana was right about Bertram, don't you think? Bertram admits that he was hot for Diana only as long as she refused to sleep with him. Once he had her, though, he completely lost interest.

Quote #11

If thou be'st yet a fresh uncroppéd flower,
Choose thou thy husband, and I'll pay thy dower. (5.3.372-373)

This is where the king says he's going to let Diana pick the husband of her choice...if she's still a virgin (an “uncroppéd flower”). Hmm. This is weird for so many reasons. First of all, Diana has already said that she doesn't ever want to get married (4.2). Plus, the last time the king let a young woman pick a husband like some kind of game show prize, things didn't exactly work out so well. We also want to point out that the king is reiterating an idea that we've already seen in this play: the notion that a deflowered woman is damaged goods that no man will want to marry.