
Ever wondered what your brain looks like when it's on Shakespeare? Check out this cool article about how reading Big Willy Shakes impacts brain activity.

The Folger Shakespeare Library is online and it's got tons of resources for students, teachers, and Shakespeare lovers.

OMG! These people love Shakespeare almost as much as we do!

Everything you ever wanted to know about famous phrases coined by the Bard:

This is one of the best Shakespeare sites on the Internet. It's got boatloads of links to the best online resources for students and scholars.
Movie or TV Productions

The coolest and most visually stunning version we've ever seen, this National Theater production really plays up the fantastical, fairy tale elements of All's Well That Ends Well. In 2009, the performance was broadcast on live television and was also screened in UK movie theaters. We're not sure of NT's plans to release a DVD, but you can check out the trailer and look at pictures here.

This BBC production (1981) feels a little dated to most high school and college students, but it's a solid adaptation and the critics love it. Plus, Bertram totally rocks an ‘80s-style mullet. You can probably find this flick at your local library and/or watch it on YouTube. (Go to "Video" for some links to popular clips.)

This 2007 flick has little to nothing to do with the play it's named after, but it does feature a bum named Billy Shakes who gives a burnout actor some advice about how to revive his career. As a bonus, it features a cameo by Penny Marshall, a.k.a. Laverne from the old TV show "Laverne and Shirley." (Ask your parents.)
Historical Documents

Shakespeare's main literary source for this play. Check it out at GoogleBooks:

Shakespeare probably read an English translation of Boccaccio's story in The Palace of Pleasure, by a guy named William Painter. Read it on GoogleBooks. Or just stick to Shakespeare.

This production plays up the magical, fairy tale qualities of the play.

Check out the seduction scene from the 1981 BBC adaptation. (Is it just us, or does Bertram need to work on his moves?)

Oh, the drama! Watch it all unfold here, compliments of YouTube.

Got four minutes? Check out the RSC's hilarious and condensed performance of ALL the Shakespeare comedies, including All's Well That Ends Well, of course.

The play is read aloud by actors and it's totally free!

Check it out. This is one of the best All's Well That Ends Well sets we've ever seen.

Here's a look at the title page of the play from the first folio edition (1623). So old.

The poster for the National Theater's 2009 production of the play. How would you have designed it?