Odds of Hanging On
55m time: 20 seconds, High Jump: 4 feet, Javelin: 50 feet
Why do you want to run track again? Are you actually yourself from the future trying to find the true meaning of Christmas? If so, you're not finding it on the field.
Men: 55m time: 10 seconds, High Jump: 5 feet, Javelin: 100 feet, Women 55m time: 11 seconds, High Jump: 4'5", Javelin: 80 feet
You're awake during track practice, right? You'll need to shape up soon to avoid being given the big ol' boot of rejection.
Men: 55m time: 6.9 seconds, High Jump: 6 feet, Javelin: 150 feet, Women: 55m time: 7.8 seconds, High Jump: 5'1", Javelin: 100 feet.
We're impressed. Not so impressed that we won't cut you right off this team, though. We're tough like that. You might want to skip the next couple parties to get your time on the track in.
Men: 55m time: 6.4 seconds, High Jump: 7 feet, Javelin: 210 feet, Women: 55m time: 7.1 seconds, High Jump: 5'10", Javelin: 140 feet
Remember when you thought your scores were superhuman? Now there's someone on the team just as good and maybe even better. Not only are you working hard at this, but you better keep up your grades as well.
Men: 55m time: 6.2 seconds, High Jump: 7'3", Javelin: 240 feet, Women: 55m time: 6.9 seconds, High Jump: 6 feet, Javelin: 160 feet
Clearly you're doing something right. Your scores are higher than Gordon Ramsay's kitchen standards, and you haven't been kicked off the team for flunking all your classes. Go you.