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The Salem Witch Trials in the 17th century. The Red Scare in the 1950s. Little to no evidence that witches/communists were anywhere close to taking...
All Okonkwo was asking for was a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Granted, swinging your machete around may not be the nicest way to ask, but still. The guy d...
Things Fall Apart 49851 Views
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Anyone who has ever bought anything from IKEA knows this to be true.
- 00:04
Things Fall Apart, a la Shmoop. Okonkwo[1] is one manly guy.
- 00:11
Really manly.
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That all you got?
- 00:13
He’s spent his entire life trying hard not to be like his father, who he thought was
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lazy and cowardly.
Full Transcript
- 00:20
So Okonkwo works hard to be an awesome farmer.
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He wrestles like a champ.
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And he’s a brave leader of his people. But when Okonkwo hangs himself at the end
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of Things Fall Apart....
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…sorry… belated spoiler alert…
- 00:35
Is he acting as a brave martyr, living up to his manly reputation?
- 00:40
Or is he being a coward just like his dad? When white missionaries invade the land...
- 00:48
Okonkwo is ticked off.
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Really ticked off.
- 00:51
The missionaries are shoving the tribe’s beliefs to the side....
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And replacing them with Christianity.
- 00:57
Before, the village elders made the laws.
- 01:01
Now, it’s a foreign Queen.
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Okonkwo wants to free his people from this foreign power.
- 01:15
He tries to rally his tribe to fight...
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But many refuse... Some even join the other team.
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Enraged, Okonkwo even beheads a kotma <<CAHT-muh>>,[2] one of the Africans who collaborate with the
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white men.
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But still his people won’t rise.
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So for the first time in his life Okonkwo purposefully breaks the laws of his community...
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By committing suicide.
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Sounds like a bold move, right? He bravely faces Death rather than submitting
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to the white man…
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And dies on his own terms… just like he lived.
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On the other hand...
- 01:47
Is it possible that Okonkwo kills himself because he’s afraid of change?
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Should he have had the courage to adjust his warrior ethics?
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To lead his people toward a peaceful compromise with the missionaries?
- 02:00
Or should he at least have stayed in the world of the living to fight some more?
- 02:04
He lived his whole life afraid of the ghost of his father...
- 02:07
Afraid he’d turn out to be a coward just like him.
- 02:10
But in the end, did he do the cowardly thing?
- 02:13
Shmoop amongst yourselves.
- 02:14
[1]y particular pronunciation here? [2]any particular pronunciation here?
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