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Moby-Dick - una ballena extraña. Nuestro amigo capitán Ahab la había perseguido para años, pero no es el mejor lider en el mundo. Piensas que p...
The Origin Story 563 Views
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Every culture has some idea about where we all came from. Surprisingly, very few of them hypothesize that we are all simply figments of Lady Gaga’s imagination.
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The Origin Story, a la Shmoop. <<Movie trailer voice>>
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In a world…
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…where the ambassadors of good struggle to overcome the forces of evil…
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…there is one individual who has sworn to protect the citizens of Earth at all costs…
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…you. <<End movie trailer voice>>
Full Transcript
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Sure. Why not? We’re using our imaginations anyway, right?
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So begins… just about any superhero backstory.
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And you’ll find similar set-ups in tales describing how powerful gods got their start…
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...or how the planets or universe were formed…
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…or how Bill Gates built his empire. It is human nature to question how the great
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and powerful came to be.
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Whether we’re dealing with fiction or otherwise. We call these tales “Origin stories,”
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or “creation myths.”
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These stories help explain where we came from…
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…and maybe even where we’re going.
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As individuals… or as a society. It’s a universal human trait to wonder abou[1][2]t
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our origin…
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…which is why we wish you good luck finding a culture anywhere in the world that hasn’t
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taken a stab at it. Of course, people often have a tough time
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taking the stories of other cultures seriously.
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“Really? A god who shoots lightning bolts out of his hands? Whatever. I’ll just be
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over here, believing the world was created on the back of a turtle, like any normal person.”
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There are some pretty wild stories out there, it’s true…
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…but some cultures treat them as metaphorical or symbolic representations of real-world
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There may not literally be some guy who flies around in a diaper shooting arrows into the
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buttocks of would-be lovers…
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…but there seems to be some magic inherent in the idea of two people falling in love
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with each other.
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A character like Cupid is an attempt to explain that magic.
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The creation story you’re probably most familiar with is the one detailed in Genesis…
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…that points to a worldview in which human beings have a special relationship to one
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…and are given dominion over the world.
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Although, if he was going to leave us in charge, it sure would have been nice if he had shown
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us how to adjust the thermostat first. Then there’s the Greek creation myth…
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…where the world is born out of chaos. That’s right… it used to be a big, fat Greek nothing.
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But once the world was formed[4] and chaos was defeated, order and structure became really
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Which might explain why each Greek god has special dominion over a particular aspect
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of life on Earth.
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These guys were big on organization. You should have seen their sock drawers.
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Some Native Americans [5]have their own origin story…
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…about a guy diving into the ocean and finding the material he could use to build land.
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Apparently, he didn’t trust his contractor.
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Their story not only explains why land is surrounded by water…
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…but suggests that Native American saw themselves as a culture constructed amidst a wide wilderness.
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They’re like “this” with Mother Nature. And, as we mentioned, superheroes get their
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own origin stories.
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Would Bruce Wayne have been so committed to helping people if he hadn’t had such a tough
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You know… as tough as it can be when you live in a mansion and have your own butler?
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There are many different ways to interpret these myths…
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…but all of them are attempting to say something profound about the organization of the world…
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…and the relationship between the world and the people who inhabit it.
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Whether or not they like to put on masks in the evening hours and kick some bad guy butt.
- 03:03
[1]his is confusing because we could understand "our origin is universal" as the entire object
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of "know," as in "the desire to know that our origin is universal" which is not what
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you mean [2]
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[3]I'm not sure that cultures treat their own myths as metaphorical, but rather that
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we must think of them as such (and that there are actually symbolic kernels in all of them)
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[4]Maybe add "And chaos was defeated" or something like that
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Fun fact: Chaos was an actual guy, apparently [5]Some Native American groups (they're all
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so different)
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