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The Great Gatsby Videos 16 videos
East Egg: East coast, old money, and ponies. Maybe unicorns. Those snotty East Eggers won’t tell us anything. West Egg: West coast, new money, an...
Gatsby’s a man who throws huge parties and still has zero friends. Maybe they’re all like...Tupperware parties or something. Check out the vide...
The Great Gatsby Part 1: Course Introduction 30274 Views
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It's the roaring 20s. A time of wealth, partying, and a huge inequality gap. Fun, fun, and, uh...not-so-fun. Hit play to discover more about the setting of The Great Gatsby.
- 00:01
We speak student!
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The Great Gatsby
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- 00:09
a la Shmoop
- 00:12
Okay, welcome to Gatsby a la Shmoop,
Full Transcript
- 00:15
the video version.
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We're talking here with Dr. Deb.
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Gatsby. Great novel. Mediocre movies
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throughout history.
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So, Deb, let's frame things in the time frame
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that Gatsby was written in and takes place in.
- 00:31
What was that era like?
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Talk to us about what a day in the life was for a typical person
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- in the 20s. - Sure.
- 00:37
It was called "The Roaring Twenties" for a reason.
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It was roaring.
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[ meow ]
- 00:43
So World War I had just ended.
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And the Roaring Twenties was a period of great wealth.
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The stock market was booming.
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And we kind of think of it as
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a time of luxury and wealth
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and women in flapper dresses and stuff like that.
- 01:01
- And -- - What's a flapper dress?
- 01:03
Like what flaps?
- 01:04
- The skirt. - The skirt?
- 01:05
- Yeah. - Okay.
- 01:07
But what Fitzgerald is trying to show us
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through The Great Gatsby and his other works
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is that it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows,
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and that underneath the facade of luxury and wealth
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was this kind of emptiness.
- 01:23
How did inequality affect people during this time?
- 01:27
So what you're talking about is this idea that
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the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, right?
- 01:32
So it just -- The disparity between the classes is growing.
- 01:37
Fitzgerald is in an interesting place because he grew up
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in I guess you could say a middle-class family.
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His parents weren't super wealthy, but
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his mom had had an inherit, so they were fine.
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They were well enough off.
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But Fitzgerald himself never really felt --
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He felt like an outsider.
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He hadn't quite reached that level of wealth.
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You know, the American dream.
- 02:00
And that's where we see Nick Carraway
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from the beginning, our narrator
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in The Great Gatsby.
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That's kind of where he sits, too.
- 02:09
And in The Great Gatsby, we see this
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excess of wealth, but then we're also exposed
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to the opposite, to the Valley of Ashes between
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the Eggs and the city, which you'll be introduced to very soon,
- 02:22
where Wilson lives and he's a mechanic.
- 02:27
So we kind of see this
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huge distance between someone like Gatsby
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and someone like Wilson.
- 02:34
- And that's how that's presented in The Great Gatsby. - Got it.
- 02:39
[ whoop ]
- 02:40
What was life like during the 1920s?
- 02:43
How did inequality affect people during this time?
- 02:49
[ woo! ]
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