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AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 2. What is the speaker's primary purpose in using onomatopoeia in line four?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 7. What is the principal rhetorical function of paragraphs one to three?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill 1, Problem 8. The quotation marks in the third paragraph chiefly serve to what?
In this AP Language and Composition drill question, read the provided passage and infer information based upon footnote two. AP Language and Com...
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill 2, Problem 3. The subject of the passage can best be described as what?
AP English Language and Composition 2.4 Passage Drill. In the context of the passage, which of the following words from the second paragraph d...
AP English Language and Composition 2.5 Passage Drill. The footnotes most clarify which of the following topics?
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill 2, Problem 8. Which of the following best describes the primary relationship between footno...
AP English Language and Composition: Passage Drill 2, Problem 9. According to the speaker, which of the following facts would "dissipate the illusi...
AP English Language and Composition 2.7 Passage Drill. The speaker's choice of syntax in the phrase, "he... guilt" (line 17) places most empha...
We don't know about you, but every time we've landed in a shallow pool of mud, we've been very much aware of the mud....not so much the stars. But...
Take a look at this shmoopy AP English Language and Composition question and see if you can figure out which answer best describes the development...
AP English Language and Composition 4.2 Passage Drill. Which of the following lines provides the most unity to the passage?
Answer this AP English Language and Composition drill correctly and you'll never die!* *Our lawyers have informed us we can't promise anyone i...
AP English Language and Composition 5.4 Passage Drill. The first paragraph implies that "the particular sciences" what?
AP English Language and Composition 4.4 Passage Drill. In this passage, "fatuous" is best defined as what?
AP English Language and Composition 6.10 Passage Drill. What significance does the title of the article have to the reading?
AP English Language and Composition 10.4 Passage Drill. What is the author's strategy in paragraph 6?
AP English Language and Composition 8.1 Passage Drill. What best describes the authorial tone in this passage?
AP English Language and Composition 9.4 Passage Drill
AP English Language and Composition 9.5 Passage Drill. Which of the following does the author not imply or assert in paragraph 3?
AP English Language and Composition 8.7 Passage Drill. What purpose does the phrase "silent current of events" serve?
AP English Language and Composition 7.4 Passage Drill. Which of the following statements best summarizes paragraph 3?
AP English Language and Composition 8.6 Passage Drill. Which of the following best sums up the sentence that begins, "The art of man..." (Line 54)?
AP English Language and Composition 8.10 Passage Drill. The style of the passage as a whole can be best described as what?
AP English Language and Composition 9.7 Passage Drill. What would be the best way to characterize the author's diction in this passage?
AP English Language and Composition 10.3 Passage Drill. What will emancipate farmers from their slavery to the land?
AP English Language and Composition 10.2 Passage Drill. What is the most likely reason that the author puts quote marks around the words scenic, education, and modern?
AP English Language and Composition 10.5 Passage Drill. What does the author state that a land ethic must be a process of?
AP English Language and Composition 9.8 Passage Drill. What kind of clause is this?
AP English Language and Composition 9.9 Passage Drill. What rhetorical strategy does the author use with this expression?
AP English Language and Composition 9.2 Passage Drill. Which of the following rhetorical strategies does the author employ?
AP English Language and Composition 8.9 Passage Drill. The last sentence of the passage is an example of what?
AP English Language and Composition 10.6 Passage Drill. The rhetorical reason for referring to Moses and the Decalogue is most likely to what?
AP English Language and Composition 8.5 Passage Drill. A synonym to the word "vote" as it is used in line 33 would be what?
AP English Language and Composition 7.3 Passage Drill. In what way is the following sentence from lines 14-17 and example of an ellipsis?
AP English Language and Composition 7.5 Passage Drill. What would be the best explanation for what the author means by "the coarser pains and pleasures which they carry in their train"?
AP English Language and Composition 7.1 Passage Drill. What best describes the author's tone or "voice" in this passage?
AP English Language and Composition 7.8 Passage Drill. What best characterizes the rhetorical function "in relation to the human mind Nature is boundless; and though nowhere inaccessible, she is everywhere unfathomable"?
AP English Language and Composition 8.3 Passage Drill. What most accurately describes the effect the author achieves by including several French expressions in paragraph 2?