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This video explains what role an antagonist serves and how to identify the antagonist in a story. Fun fact: the antagonist doesn’t have to be evi...
Did you know that you, as a writer, get your own toolbox? That's right! It doesn’t even matter how badly you fouled up that sliding bookshelf you...
A dash is a fun and flashy way to let your reader know that there is awesomeness coming up. It’s like the colon’s cool older cousin. This video...
This video defines analogies. What makes an analogy different from a metaphor? How can analogies help strengthen an essay?
CAHSEE 11.1 Passage Drill. Based on the information in the passage, which of the following is most likely to happen?
Everybody who's tired of the word “epic,” raise your hand. Wow, that’s a lot of hands. But there is an acceptable time and place for the word...
Picking out the protagonist isn't always as easy as recognizing that the thing flying in the sky with a big "S" on its chest isn't actually a bird...
This video defines a foil and identifies foil characters in Harry Potter, Romeo and Juliet, and Return of the King. How do you identify a foil in a...
We here at Shmoop believe that you should take the time to stop and smell the book. No, not the roses. The book. You won't get pulled over by the c...