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Passage Drill Videos
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ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 1. Conjunctive Adverbs.
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 3. Keeping an eye out for wordiness.
ACT English: Passage Drill 1, Problem 4. Which selection has the correct punctuation?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 11. How would you correct this introductory phrase?
ACT English: Passage Drill 1, Problem 9. Which is the best spot for the underlined word?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 3, Problem 1. Where does "however" best fit into this sentence?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 2, Problem 6. Which verb best matches the subject's emotional state?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 2, Problem 1. What is the correct tense for the underlined portion?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 2, Problem 7. Which pronouns properly convey the meaning of the sentence?
ACT English: Passage Drill 1, Problem 2. What is the right tense for this verb?
ACT English: Passage Drill 1, Problem 10. How would you correct the underlined segment from the passage?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 14. Checking for redundant or irrelevant information.
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 1, Problem 15. What's the correct verb tense?
ACT English: Passage Drill 1, Problem 6. Subject-verb agreement with some commas thrown in to the mix.
ACT English: Passage Drill 1, Problem 7. Which punctuation best fits before this list?
ACT English: Passage Drill 1, Problem 8. What would happen if we deleted the underlined sentence?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 2, Problem 3. Which choice best fits into the sentence?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 2, Problem 5. Which of the following is not a logical alternative to Spooked?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 3, Problem 2. What would the paragraph lose if the writer omits the underlined phrase?
ACT English: Passage Drill Drill 3, Problem 9. Which choice provides the most significant new information?