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Subject Verb Agreement 11393 Views
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- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in subject verb agreement allah way
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get into disagreements with other people over all sorts of
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silly things like whether a room is too hot or
- 00:12
too cold or whether a particular restaurant has great food
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or terrible food or whether or not the third godfather
Full Transcript
- 00:19
movie is worth even watching that and subjects in verbs
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on the other hand find it easy to agree All
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it takes is for a singular noun to match up
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with a singular verb and a plural noun to match
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up with a player over Got it for example say
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we have the sentence I am a really good cook
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The word i is a singular now so it needs
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the singular verb And now say we change our example
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to read way are really good cooks The word we
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is a plural noun so it needs the power over
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our way Are the world like that Wow easy right
- 00:58
This has to be the shortest grammar lesson ever But
- 01:01
wait there's more Some downs can be tricky leaving us
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unsure it toa whether their singular or plural noun For
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example take the word everyone if we're talking about everyone
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At a professional football game Then we could be referring
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to tens of thousands of people Me and though the
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number of people were referring to doesn't matter grammar rules
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is everyone and its compatriots Everybody anyone anybody no one
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and nobody Our singular noun that require singular verbs got
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that So you treat everybody's whole mass of people football
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game as one thing Thank you Everyone at the game
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in green bay is freezing because everyone is a singular
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noun We match it with the singular verb is or
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say we have the scent No one at the game
- 01:51
in houston is freezing because no one is singular Now
- 01:54
we match it with the singular verb is phantom pains
- 01:58
and team names are usually plural Although some people prefer
- 02:01
to treat group names that sound plural as plural and
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group names that sound singular as singular So if we
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ever over here a customer of a restaurant say matchbox
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twenty makes great music where the band named matchbox twenty
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is treated as a singular rather than plural well try
- 02:19
not to wig out Plenty of people talk this way
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are this way Come on and the world hasn't come
- 02:26
To an end now we come to collective now while
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a word like family may cover a lot of people
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collective noun czar usually treated a singular now for example
- 02:35
say we have the sentence in the school orchestra plays
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its spring concert tonight Yeah we did that The school
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orchestra just treated is like one singular thing It doesn't
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matter that the orchestra may consist of one hundred very
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nervous teenagers with temples We know you were talking about
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you because orchestra is a collective noun It is treated
- 02:56
as a singular noun and is therefore match with the
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singular verb plays it plays What if we have the
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sense of the football team run sprints during practice Well
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we don't care how hot and tired all those football
- 03:07
players are Because team is a collective noun it is
- 03:10
treated as a singular noun and so we match it
- 03:13
with singular verbs like runs The team runs runs all
- 03:19
right upon occasion Some collective noun can be plural if
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the people covered by the noun have a sense of
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individuality like the married couple are spending some quality time
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apart because it's clear that the couple were talking about
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consists of two people who aren't currently speaking to each
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other We match the collective known couple with the plural
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verb are we could just as easily use the word
- 03:42
couple is a singular now like a couple of right
- 03:45
say we have the sense each couple is attending therapy
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with a different counselor Well in this case couples are
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being spoken of as units which is why we match
- 03:53
the collective and singular noun couple with the singular verb
- 03:58
is grammar rule for collective noun may seem overly complicated
- 04:02
Don't worry given how big the rule is It's hard
- 04:04
to be truly wrong here fit for subject verb agreement
- 04:08
just remember that singular noun school with singular berg plural
- 04:11
noun go with poor over and singular words that cover
- 04:14
a lot of people like everyone and symphony gets singular
- 04:17
verb big things really like one Isn't it nice when
- 04:20
there's a grammar rule that's virtually impossible toe disagree over 00:04:24.202 --> [endTime] Yeah you like that Yeah dead
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