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Science Passage Videos 22 videos
How are Volcanos tied to the moon? Tidal Lunacy is more about Hawaii and surfing than were wolves but don't take our word for it...find out more by...
Want to know what fortnight means? Spoiler alert: no, it isn't when you build a fort in your living room out of cushions.
SAT Reading: Citing Quantitative Information in a Graphic as Supporting Evidence for a Claim 4 Views
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Analyzing texts and's the last video in this short but sweet SAT Reading volcano series.
- 00:03
All right mercifully the last question in this volcano siri's
- 00:07
we know you're really disappointed you could send angry letters
- 00:10
to the testing board if you want for more Okay
- 00:13
here we go Last question which claimed the passage is
- 00:14
supported by the g rated graphic All right it's The
Full Transcript
- 00:18
information line six through seven starts it at most blah
- 00:21
blah We're not dwell on the earth about twelve to
- 00:23
fourteen because a lot of twenty twenty hbo the lottery
- 00:25
strangers Okay well the right answer here people would just
- 00:29
cut right to it because we're really kind of done
- 00:31
with section Right Answer is c graphic shows how the
- 00:34
surface of the earth bulges toward the combined gravity of
- 00:37
the sun and moon and boy are they powerful when
- 00:40
they team up Kind of like the super friends The
- 00:42
correct sentence refers to this fortnightly alignment The graphic specifically
- 00:47
shows the sun and moon in there to alignments like
- 00:51
that which caused the fortnightly tied not the daily title
- 00:55
crest So get rid of a the bold shown in
- 00:57
the graphic is specifically the fortnightly tied not just any
- 01:01
tied So get rid of be the way that hbo
- 01:03
scientists measure title movement isn't shown so get ready Uh 00:01:08.765 --> [endTime] that came out of nowhere And mercifully we're done
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