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Numbers and Operations Videos 63 videos
SAT Math 1.1 Numbers and Operations. How many combinations of beverage and cereal can be made?
SAT Math: Numbers and Operations Drill 1, Problem 2. If the masterpiece will be worth $45,055 in five years, what is its worth now?
SAT Math 1.3 Numbers and Operations. x and y must be which of the following?
SAT Math: Identifying the Most Sensible Route to Divide a Polynomial 0 Views
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, what is C + D equal to?
- 00:00
Yeah Looks a little something like this We got three
- 02:16
x plus one plus one over three x minus one
- 02:19
Alright well after all this work it'd be easy to
- 02:21
forget what they were asking Like feel what the problem's
- 02:24
all about anyway We're looking for c plus d and
Full Transcript
- 02:26
they'll be easier to find if we replace nine x
- 02:28
squared over three x minus one with its quotient Right
- 02:32
So let's do that C plus de plus one over
- 02:35
three x minus one sure looks like c plus d
- 02:38
and three x plus one are best friends So what
- 02:41
do you think Answer d and a simple hard to
- 02:43
catch division mistake that could lead to three x minus
- 02:46
one like in number See Well if you're not a
- 02:48
huge fan of long division in o who is other
- 02:51
than a calculator here there's another way to tackle this
- 02:53
problem But it's kind of error prone to So take
- 02:55
another quick look at the starting equation We got nine
- 02:58
x squared over three x minus one equals c plus
- 03:00
de plus one of three x minus one Well sneaky
- 03:03
way to create the fraction one over three x minus
- 03:05
one on the left side of the equation Do this
- 03:07
not x squared plus one minus one over three ex
- 03:10
money's one And then we kind of sim fly out
- 03:12
the ones that we got Nine x squared minus one
- 03:14
over three x minus one plus one over three x
- 03:16
minus one walk Adding in subtracting one is the same
- 03:19
thing is adding zero so it doesn't change the overall
- 03:22
value of the expression from here Do some quick factoring
- 03:26
and then i'll get the expression into a form we
- 03:28
can compare c plus the two and that gets you
- 03:30
three x plus one times quantity here through x minus
- 03:34
one over three x minus one plus twenty one over
- 03:36
three x minus one And then that's what it looks
- 03:38
like when you simplified terms out Three x plus one
- 03:41
plus one over three x minus one See we ended
- 03:44
up in the same position as before Oh and there's
- 03:46
even a third way to approach this problem If you're
- 03:48
not asleep yet with plain old algebra just subtract one
- 03:51
over three x minus one from both sides of the
- 03:53
equation You know we could have done that That's what
- 03:55
it would look like and well looks awfully familiar It's
- 03:58
a bit easier to work with tio Maybe we should
- 04:00
have started off with this one instead It would've been 00:04:02.635 --> [endTime] a whole lot quicker All right we're done
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