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PSAT Reading Diagnostic Videos 21 videos
PSAT 1.1 Reading Diagnostic. The main purpose of the first two paragraphs is to...what?
PSAT 1.3 Reading Diagnostic. The author mentions the navigational technique called "equal altitudes" in the third paragraph to ...what?
PSAT 1.4 Reading Diagnostic. In the fourth paragraph, the author checks his chronometer against the timepieces of other ships in order to...what?
PSAT 2.5 Reading Diagnostic 199 Views
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PSAT 2.5 Reading Diagnostic. The stance that President Kennedy takes in the last two paragraphs can best be described as...what?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop douceur
- 00:05
brought to you by the call to service although these
- 00:08
days it's usually a text service but all right go
- 00:13
army Check out this passage Twenty minutes Sovereign states united
- 00:17
nations member of our power and help on the animation
Full Transcript
- 00:21
work problems and i left a bit ocean gaps on
- 00:25
balance our operation americans club and we forward against the
- 00:29
enemy from a long history the world thinking all right
- 00:33
thank you j f k Well the stance that president
- 00:36
kennedy takes in the last two paragraphs can best be
- 00:39
described as what And hear the pencil answer Good already
- 00:46
Well so here we're looking up pinned down the stance
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kennedy is taking as he wraps up his inaugural address
- 00:52
and chances are we're not talking about his literal stance
- 00:54
so no need to get out take measure and see
- 00:56
how far apart his feet are Although actually his speech
- 00:59
might have been more powerful if he'd assumed a sumo
- 01:01
squat before starting Okay back to business This address closes
- 01:07
with one of the most famous lines in u s
- 01:10
history And so my fellow americans ask not what your
- 01:14
country can do for you Ask what you can do
- 01:18
for your country were not very good at jfk boys
- 01:21
there and the lesser known i fellow citizens of the
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world asked not what america will do for you but
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what together we can do for the freedom of man
- 01:31
It must be better no So how would you describe
- 01:35
the new presence He delivers these closing sentences when you
- 01:38
call him a an optimist in the face of national
- 01:42
fear Well he's definitely an optimist sure but this part
- 01:45
of the passage in particular isn't exactly chock full of
- 01:48
him spouting flowery phrases that called the mind Unicorns and
- 01:51
rainbows more of a call the action than a statement
- 01:54
of his optimism so we can lose option a see
- 01:58
a defeated leaders edie closure kennedy was anything but defeated
- 02:03
You don't get your face on the half dollar by
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wintering into a microphone and waving the white flag and
- 02:08
your first major televise speaking engagement i'll say so long
- 02:12
option c what about d a critic reprimanding the country's
- 02:16
enemies That fearmongering didn't really come into vogue until l
- 02:20
the early two thousand back then people were more interested
- 02:23
in being lifted up and inspired and kennedy was just
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the guy who could deliver So no he wasn't calling
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out our enemies and sending them to their respective rooms
- 02:32
to think about what they did well next dia's well
- 02:35
the answer is beaten Kennedy was a zealous advocate for
- 02:38
sacrifice and service Yeah so potentially asking someone to lay
- 02:43
down his or her life for their country is an
- 02:45
awfully big favor to ask but he was reminding everyone
- 02:48
how great the greater good really wass number camelot all
- 02:52
that he also effectively laid a big old guilt trip
- 02:55
on everyone at the same time many of us are
- 02:58
naturally takers But his closing remarks made us reexamine our
- 03:02
priorities If we really wanted to continue to enjoy the
- 03:05
freedoms to which we've grown accustomed what price Where we
- 03:08
willing to pay for it Well that line alone was
- 03:11
probably responsible for getting thousands of butts off couches and
- 03:15
into military fatigues and the peace corps Bunch of other
- 03:18
good stuff Although well there might have been a slight
- 03:21
detour through the kitchen on the way out the door 00:03:24.833 --> [endTime] Don't Oh
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