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PSAT 1.9 Writing Diagnostic 182 Views
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PSAT 1.9 Writing Diagnostic. How would you change the underlined portion of the passage, if at all?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your smoked You
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sure brought to you by the summer solstice Finally an
- 00:07
occasion on which you can honestly say you've had a
- 00:10
long day All right check the passage Gotz is beginnings
- 00:14
which we've only red eighteen Ready skimming forty thousand three
Full Transcript
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thousand picture citations Any it's one level of law and
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order and oh yeah we got it really in Okay
- 00:27
here we go How would you change the bolo underlined
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portion of the passage if it all north of the
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tropic of cancer and hear the potential answers changes here
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Alright well welcome to punctuation nation where no klaus ever
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ends without the proper punctuation period Here we've got a
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sentence with a clause that ends in a comma And
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the only difference between that and the other answer choices
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is that any minute piece of punctuation should it instead
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be an m dash as option b suggests or is
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c right that it should be a period Or does
- 00:59
this occasion call for a semi colon is d would
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have us believe Well whatever the answer an exclamation point
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isn't one of the choices so this sentence can't be
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that exciting let's review the source sentence before we jump
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to any hasty conclusions actually signing his thirty seven miles
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to the north of the tropic of cancer The true
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distance between alexandria and signing is four hundred fifty three
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miles and not five hundred tiny life Three degrees thirty
- 01:21
minutes east of the meridian of alexandra and difference of
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latitude coming alexandra and signing being seven degrees five minutes
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rather than seven degrees twelve minutes The number veritas anees
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had calculated All right so that's a mouthful but there's
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a good reason for us to read all of it
- 01:35
You'll see why in a minute for starters the comic
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can't possibly be correct Comets are either used to separate
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listed items within a clause as in i went to
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the store and pick up bread milk eggs and a
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nerve super soaker or two separate clauses in a sentences
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and she brought home the groceries but drop them all
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When i doused her with water from the super soaker
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she had just purchased here we've got a siri's of
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separate distinct thoughts so a comma ain't gonna cut it
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it's not going to be an m dash because that
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type of punctuation is usually used to set off two
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phrases however because we've got numerous phrases here in list
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for me m dash in dash away So if he
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is out of the running is it c period Well
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technically that could work since we have arrived at the
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end of what could logically be considered its own sentence
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But here's where it's important that we read the entire
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thing from the beginning to the end while correct if
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we were in her place all the semi colons herewith
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periods we wind up with a very staccato unnatural sounding
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siri's of sentences that are just screaming to be tied
- 02:35
together Somehow a semicolon pulls off this trick quite nicely
- 02:38
which is why he is our answer And we're way 00:02:41.27 --> [endTime] more than semi sure about it will you
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