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Mythology Videos 19 videos
The gods and heroes battle it out with monsters in the best of mythology.
Today we aren't looking for the most virtuous person, or most likeable, but rather the most disturbing. Will it be Echo, the nymph who is doomed to...
Hera (Juno) 6393 Views
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A lot of you probably picture Hera as this heartless, bitter, vengeful…woman. We're here to show you that there's more to her than that. By the end of this video we'll have you all yelling, "Girl power!"
- 00:04
Hera, a la Shmoop.
- 00:07
Hello, little mortal people. For most of you,
- 00:09
I'm sure I need no introduction. But for those pathetic few who aren't aware of my
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magnificence, I am Hera, Queen of the Gods.
- 00:17
Normally, I wouldn't deign to sit for one these...what do you call them...?
Full Transcript
- 00:21
Ah...videos. I am told that the interweb is the best way to reach you people these days.
- 00:25
I'm sure this will go virulent....
- 00:27
Oh, I meant viral, of course.
- 00:30
I'm sure that this video will go viral and finally set the record straight.
- 00:34
Now, it has come to my attention that the prevailing opinion of me is quite negative.
- 00:37
Rather than the good work I've done as the goddess of marriage,
- 00:40
I'm known as an awful, vengeful shrew.
- 00:44
I will admit that I've taken some rather extreme actions in the past.
- 00:48
Yes, it's true I tried to stop that tramp, Leto, from giving birth to Apollo and Artemis.
- 00:52
And yes, I did send Python, that snaky-dragon to devour her.
- 00:56
And yes, I did send a gadfly to sting that heifer, Io, when she was
- 01:00
wandering the world in the form of a cow.
- 01:02
I also tricked that trollop Semele <<SEM-uh-lee>> into asking Zeus to reveal himself in his
- 01:06
true form, which... happens to be lightning...
- 01:09
...and which just so happened to completely obliterate every inch of her body while she
- 01:13
was pregnant with Dionysus. <<DIE-oh-NIGH-sis>>
- 01:15
You know what I have to say to all these things...
- 01:17
Give me a close up here...
- 01:18
SO WHAT? Each and every one of those little hussies
- 01:21
got what they deserved, because each and every one of them
- 01:24
was sleeping around with my husband, Zeus.
- 01:26
If you don't believe me, I have the pictures to prove it.
- 01:29
I'm the goddess of marriage, for gods-sake...
- 01:31 you know how embarrassing that my
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own marriage is a total sham?!
- 01:35
What am I? Some kinda joke? I'm supposed to just smile and let this stuff go down?
- 01:40
People are always criticizing me for harassing Zeus's illegitimate children too.
- 01:44
Like Heracles, everybody's favorite hero blahblahblah...
- 01:48
...whom I harassed while he was doing his 12 Labors, which...
- 01:51
...he had to do because I caused him to go crazy
- 01:53
and kill his kids.
- 01:56
People say, "Hera, why do take your anger out on Zeus's lovers and kids, when it was
- 02:00
him that's continually unfaithful. Isn't he the real problem, here?'
- 02:03
What can I do, though? The bonehead is all powerful.
- 02:06
I'm just a gal living in a fascist, patriarchal, male-dominated society.
- 02:12
People may try to paint me as the villain, but I'm not. I put the "Hera" in heroine.
- 02:16
I'm a freedom fighter, if you will.
- 02:18
I'm here to tell all you ladies out there that you don't have to put up with it any more.
- 02:22
The revolution starts today... and it will be televised.
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