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Hamlet 104312 Views
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In the world of Shakespeare, pretty much everyone either dies or gets married. Hamlet and co. got the short end of that stick.
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Hamlet, a la Shmoop. This little piggy went to Denmark.
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Let us get something straight right off the bat. “Hamlet” is not an omelet filled
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with ham.
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Although that sounds delicious, the Hamlet we’re talking about is even worse for you.
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Especially if you happen to be hiding behind a tapestry.
Full Transcript
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In fact, so many people die in Hamlet…
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… that Rambo has body count envy. So if practically everyone gets sent to meet
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their maker…
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…why does this Fortinbras guy… who’s only in the play for two-point-two seconds…
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get to make it out alive? First of all, Fortinbras shows up just after
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all the madness and bloodshed has wrapped.
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Pretty convenient if you ask us.
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So… was it simply a matter of good timing?
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Everyone who had a problem with anyone was already pushing up daisies by the time he
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came traipsing through the door…
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…so maybe good fortune was just shining on the guy.
- 01:01
It’s good to be the Prince. But would Shakespeare have spared the guy
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just because he arrived on the scene fashionably late?
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We know how much Billy Shakes loved bumping his characters off… surely he had a better
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reason? Was it because he wanted to comment on the
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scene of death and destruction left in Hamlet’s wake?
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Horatio was one of the fortunate few who witnessed all the carnage and lived to tell the tale…
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…and it was only fitting that he acted as a narrator in the waning moments…
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…but having Fortinbras stroll in gives Horatio someone’s ear he can bend.
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Otherwise, Horatio would have had to deliver a monologue…
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…and Hamlet had already fulfilled the monologue quota for the day.
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But wait… when has Shakespeare ever shied away from ending with a big ol’ monologue?
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Was there another reason Fortinbras gets to keep breathing?
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Perhaps he was a foil for Hamlet.
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In other words, maybe we are supposed to see the drastically different lives of these two
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princes, and contrast them.
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By witnessing the military success and lack of emotional turmoil exhibited by this Prince…
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…we can imagine where Hamlet might be today if he hadn’t been dealt such an unfortunate
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set of circumstances. Did Fortinbras simply avoid the sweet release
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of death because of an uncanny sense of timing?
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Was he nothing more than a literary device, so that Horatio had someone to tell his story
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- 02:28
Or was he meant to represent Hamlet… new and improved?
- 02:41
Shmoop amongst yourselves.
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