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Literary Devices Videos 60 videos
CAHSEE ELA 8.1 Literary Devices. What effect is achieved by using a flashback?
CAHSEE ELA 8.2 Literary Devices. Which of the following is a characteristic of a soliloquy?
CAHSEE ELA 8.3 Literary Devices 236 Views
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CAHSEE ELA 8.3 Literary Devices. What is the best way to describe a character foil?
- 00:03
Here's an unshmoopy question you'll find on the exam...
- 00:07
What is the BEST way to describe a character foil?
- 00:11
And here are the potential answers:
- 00:16
So... what is this question asking?
- 00:18
It's really a vocab question for the word foil.
Full Transcript
- 00:21
Uh, this kind of foil.
- 00:26
But maybe the sandwich thing can help us remember...
- 00:28
Let's think of the sandwich itself as the main character -- it's Batman. Stay with us...
- 00:35
The foil... is kinda the opposite of the sandwich. It's the Joker.
- 00:48
Or, in less metaphorical terms...
- 00:50
...the sandwich is edible, the foil... isn't.
- 00:54
The sandwich has nutritional value, the foil... not so much.
- 00:58
So if we scan the answers, the only one that really fits the definition and is the BEST
- 01:03
answer... is D.
- 01:09
As in, "Da-na-na-na-na-na-na... BATMAN."
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