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Standard Data Structures Videos 18 videos
APCS: Standard Data Structures Drill 1, Problem 2. Which of the following methods are not appropriate for reuse in other programs?
AP Computer Science: Standard Data Structures Drill 3, Problem 5. The resulting array from this code snippet has which of the following shapes?
AP Computer Science 3.2 Standard Data Structures 180 Views
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AP Computer Science 3.2 Standard Data Structures. Which of the following methods successfully add an element to the array?
- 00:00
Sorry And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you
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by a ray list looking for an array You khun
- 00:08
dynamically resize it's a ray of hope want want which
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of the following methods successfully add an element to an
- 00:15
array signs this crap over here that's Fine that code
Full Transcript
- 00:19
Over here you looked in and here your potential answers
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Okay here we go The purpose of this question seems
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to remind us of the difference between a plane all
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arrays and a ray lists they work the same way
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in a lot of respects but one of the biggest
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difference is the ability to dynamically resize array list While
- 00:38
old school razor stuck with the side they're given forever
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this question featured in a ray list things would be
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over with pretty quickly Add to an array list we
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could just call the ad method toe add a value
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to it whenever we'd like no sweat but this question
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is asking us to do the impossible Add values to
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a regular array can't be done unless we're a little
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sneaky like option one so check this out option one
- 01:02
takes it upon itself to create a new array that's
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one size larger Then it loops over the older ray
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grabbing his values and adding them to the new array
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once the loop finishes it adds the imager called lm
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which would be the imager provided with the method call
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to the end and returns the fresh new array very
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slick option one could be a used car salesman option
- 01:24
Two seems simple enough thie idea seems to be to
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place the contents of the imager elem at the index
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corresponding to the total length of the array What this
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method is attempting is almost clever if only it worked
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Because all array indexes begin counting at zero the total
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length of an array does not correspond directly to the
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index values they're one off if you hadn't array with
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the length of five which is to say five total
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elements in it the array would be index from zero
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to four if you had a twelve element array zero
- 01:54
to eleven and so on so this method is trying
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to provide a value for an array member who's index
- 01:59
doesn't exist and will always be just one position out
- 02:03
of reach You know what that's like in life story
- 02:07
option two will keep throwing an array index out of
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bounds exception until the end of time So totally not
- 02:12
gonna work and option three looks nice and simple That
- 02:15
ad function looks very handy except that yeah again this
- 02:19
isn't an array list ad calls like this one won't
- 02:23
do a single thing for our array here that makes
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our answer A option One only like climbing over the
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fence when the gate was wide open Option one made
- 02:31
it possible for us to do way more work than
- 02:34
necessary to achieve something that could have been done more 00:02:36.78 --> [endTime] easily Another way Well want want
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