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AP U.S. Government Videos 90 videos
AP U.S. Government 2.2 Public Policy. What did the Budget Impoundment Control Act do?
AP U.S. Government 2.3 Civil Rights and Liberties. Classifications based on sexual orientation receive...what?
AP U.S. Government 1.1 Institutions of National Government 280 Views
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AP U.S. Government 1.1 Institutions of National Government. What was the scale of representation in the House of Representatives when the Constitution was ratified?
- 00:04
And here's your shmoop du jour brought to you by the scale of
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representation the doctor approved solution for body image issues [Man waiting with a nurse]
- 00:10
everywhere all right what was the scale of representation in the House of
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Representatives when the Constitution was ratified and here are your answers.. all
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right a lot of fractions...All right well let's step on the scale and figure [Girl sat on a weighing scale in a bathroom]
Full Transcript
- 00:21
this sucker out the scale of representation basically means how many
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representatives there are in the house in comparison to how big the population
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is basically that the house represents right let's start by figuring out what [A weighing scale of representatives and population]
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the scale is today well there are 435 members of the House of Representatives
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and the US populations about 315 million so shmoop dogg what did that break [Snoop Dogg wearing graduation attire]
- 00:43
down to hmm all right that's right one representative for every 700,000 people
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in the US we can go ahead and eliminate E..Now we know that there have been 435
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members in the house since 1929 that's when they stopped adding new members to [Lots of people gathered round a person signing a document]
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our lowdown legislative body but how many representatives were there when the
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Constitution was first ratified and how big was the population well the House
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passed a bill in 1791 saying that they would let a hundred five members pass [Men discussing a bill in an office]
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through their hallowed halls and the 1790 US Census and yeah they counted on
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those from the start since it was mandated in the Constitution and all
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revealed that the population was four million so if we divide four million by
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the hundred five representatives that means that way back then there was one
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representative for about every 38 thousand people and if we look at the
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remaining answers it appears B is the closest even if it [Letters A, B, C and D in a classroom]
- 01:38
does force us to do a bit of rounding to that one forty thousands thing
- 01:42
well the framers initially settled on this ratio because they wanted the house [People stood in the house of representatives]
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to be the most well, representative part of the government and they tried to
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keep the numbers low enough so people would have a chance to actually interact [A room filled with people]
- 01:52
with their congressmen you know the original facetime
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