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AP Psychology Videos 162 videos
AP Psychology 1.1 Social Psychology. Which of the following best describes social psychology?
AP Psychology 1.1 States of Consciousness. Who conducted research on REM sleep deprivations?
AP Psychology 1.2 Cognition 38 Views
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AP Psychology 1.2 Cognition. Which of the following strategies would work best for generating new ideas?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak in and here's your shmoop du
- 00:04
jour brought to you by bright ideas like nicolas tessler
- 00:08
inventing the light bulb and thomas edison taking credit for
- 00:11
it Thank you thomas Amy has given the job of
- 00:14
developing a new advertising campaign for shoes Her employer wants
Full Transcript
- 00:19
the ads to be completely different from those that are
- 00:21
currently designed which of the following strategies would work best
- 00:24
for generating new ideas and hear the essential answer functional
- 00:28
fixing this night will amy's boss wants her in the
- 00:34
words of apple computers tio think different except apples already
- 00:38
done that so he's got to think even different er
- 00:42
which cognitive strategy works Best functional Fix it This is
- 00:46
a cognitive bias to use an object in on ly
- 00:48
the traditional way we use a plunger to plunge not
- 00:52
as a doorstop or a ceremonial headpiece fix it This
- 00:55
wouldn't help amy think outside the box and mental sets
- 00:58
are the tendency to only see solutions that have worked
- 01:00
before phone want charge while you blow in the charge
- 01:04
report that doesn't work Do it again that doesn't work
- 01:07
give up and buy a new phone getting stuck in
- 01:09
a rock won't help either and heuristics our mental shortcuts
- 01:12
to draw quick but sometimes false conclusions like mentally classifying
- 01:16
all old women as warm and grandmother early even when
- 01:19
summer cold and you know margaret factory Finally fixation in
- 01:24
the psychological sense is getting stuck usually in a stage
- 01:27
of development by count Adult man stuck in adolescents responds
- 01:31
by buying sports cars but divergent thinking Well that's basically
- 01:35
brainstorming coming up with a whole new set of ideas
- 01:38
and letting the creative juices flow which is what amy
- 01:41
needs So c is correct Next up we'll discuss the
- 01:44
bright idea of amazon prime and the not so bright 00:01:47.793 --> [endTime] idea of amazon prime day
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