Wide Sargasso Sea True or False

1. Which of the following doesn't make an appearance? -> Zombies
2. Wide Sargasso Sea is a take-off of: -> Jane Eyre
3. Bertha Mason is referred to as: -> Madwoman in the attic
4. Antoinette comes of age in: -> Hawaii
5. The log line on Wide Sargasso Sea could be: -> Gatsby never met Daisy
6. Which of the following is also a prequel? -> Phantom Menace
7. How would you describe the family's finances at the beginning of the story? -> Dead broke
8. What ethnicity is the family considered? -> Israeli
9. In this story, the main male character is: -> You could argue any of the above as true
10. The author of Wide Sargasso Sea is: -> Jean Rhys
