
You know you've made it when you have your own section on

Where the sidewalk ends, the Internet begins. This site is full of all kinds of fun information, activities, and animations just for you.

Silverstein and Cash play together on Johnny Cash's television show, then Silverstein plays alone. These two are the kings of cool.

An animated movie version of Silverstein's children's book, The Giving Tree, narrated by Silverstein himself. The man's quite a multi-tasker!

Looks like we're not the only ones who love Mr. Silverstein. Here's a tribute to our poet, with musicians of fame old and new playing and singing his songs and poems.

It's a bit hard to track down, but the audio version of Where the Sidewalk Ends is well worth the effort. After all, it is a Grammy-winner.

If you're having trouble imagining just what lays beyond the sidewalk, this wraparound image, drawn by Silverstein, from the cover of his book ought to help.

Is he not the epitome of cool? Also, is it just us, or does he have huge feet?

If you loved "Where the Sidewalk Ends," then you're sure to love the book that contains it, and tons more awesome poems.

This is an index of all of Silverstein's books that are available on, as well as a biography.
Movies & TV

This movie, based on the book of the same name, was written and directed by the man himself, who seems to wear many hats, if we may say so.
Historical Documents

A brief farewell to Shel, a jack-of-all-trades, who died of a heart attack in 1999.