We Need to Talk About Kevin Resources

Fans want to talk about Kevin.

Someone must have let the domain lapse, because the UK website is about loans and debt. A serious problem, yes, but a little off-topic.
Movie or TV Productions

A. O. Scott describes the film adaptation as less of a psychological exploration and more of a horror movie.

And he says he loves it.
Articles and Interviews

Scott Tobias liked the book in 2003, calling it "masterful." What do you think about his review?

Sarah A. Smith called the novel "misguided" in her review. Do you think she is misguided herself, or right on track?

Shriver discusses the process of adapting her book into a movie. It was stressful, but it wasn't the end of the world.

Don't watch this noisy trailer if you have a headache... or are ever thinking about having children.

The star of Kevin talks about Eva's character and her need for control, among other things.

John Waters lists We Need to Talk About Kevin as one of his favorite books. (Waters talks about Kevin around the 25:00 mark.)

The scene from the movie discussed by Neal Conan of NPR here is ripped straight from the pages of this book.

The Portuguese translation of Kevin has a cover so scary, we would be afraid to read it.

This fan-made movie poster might be even creepier.