Top Gun Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Top Gun.

Quote #4

JESTER: His fitness report says it all. He's a wild card. Flies by the seat of his pants. Completely unpredictable.

Instead of something like "flies by the rules," or "textbook perfect," Maverick's "fitness report" points to his volatility, and the fact that you never know what rule he's going to break next. He's "unpredictable."

Quote #5

HOLLYWOOD: Don't you leave me, Maverick.

Hollywood knows the rules. Goose does, too, and he reminds Maverick not to leave his wingman. Hollywood and Goose keep reminding Maverick of the unofficial rules of dogfighting, but Maverick is too hotheaded and can't resist going after Viper.

Quote #6

JESTER: You never, never leave your wingman.

Jester reiterates what Hollywood and Goose told Maverick during the previous hop. This has been a recurring problem for Maverick, and this is really the first time he's criticized for leaving his wingman by a superior officer. Busted.