Top Gun Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Top Gun.

Quote #4

GOOSE: No, no, no, no, there's two O's in Goose, boys.

Goose's first words to his Top Gun class, and they're unforgettable. This is his way of being competitive: implying that his name is already on the trophy, implying that he and Maverick are so good the trophy is as good as theirs.

Quote #5

GOOSE: Wanna know who the best is? That's him, Iceman, that's the way he flies, ice cold, no mistakes.

In the early days of Top Gun, the pilots are obsessed with the question of who the best pilot is. Viper talks about it, Iceman mentions it in the nightclub, and Goose points out Iceman, their main competitive rival for the trophy.

Quote #6

CHARLIE: Is that why you're always second best up there?

Charlie taps into Maverick's competitiveness, and suggests that maybe he can't be number one because he's too obsessed with his father's legacy. To be truly competitive, she implies, he'll need to get over it, and quick.