Titanic Resources

If you've got the $$$ and want to set sail on a replica of the Titanic, you're in luck—Titanic II is coming.

Want even more trivia to impress your friends with? There are lots of articles and sites devoted to fun facts about Titanic. This is one of them.
Articles and Interviews

Cameron and his techniques have become legendary. This New Yorker article digs into the man himself and his famous rep.

…here's a deleted scene.

A clip of behind-the-scenes shots, interviews, and bloopers.

Hear what all the fuss was about.

Because "My Heart Will Go On" needed a dance remix.

Transportation distinctions aside, this is probably one of the most famous images from the film.

Jack's drawing of Rose…which was actually James Cameron's work. Yes, he basically did everything on this film.