Louise (Susan Sarandon)’s Timeline and Summary

Louise (Susan Sarandon)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Louise calls up Thelma to take her on a fishing trip.
  • On the road, Louise is convinced by Thelma to stop in at a roadside bar.
  • Concerned for her mysteriously missing friend by the end of the night, Louise finds Thelma about to get raped in the parking lot.
  • After a brief confrontation, Louise shoots the would-be rapist right in the chest.
  • At a motel stop, Louise decides that the cops will never believe her, so she needs to escape to Mexico. She calls her boyfriend Jimmy and asks him to wire her life savings ($3000).
  • At another motel stop, the hitchhiker Louise and Thelma picks up takes off with Louise's money after a racy night with Thelma. Louise plummets into despair.
  • Louise's spirits pick up after Thelma robs a convenience store and makes up the cash.
  • Louise is stopped for speeding on the way to Mexico, but Thelma and Louise succeed in disarming the cop and tucking him into his trunk.
  • Louise calls the detective at Thelma's house and tells him it was an accident, but she won't turn herself in. She finds out she's gonna be charged with murder.
  • Louise and Thelma "take care" of a slimy trucker who wants to sleep with them by luring him out of his truck, asking him to apologize, then blowing up his truck by shooting at it.
  • After a high-speed chase with the cops, Louise and Thelma are cornered, or well, cliffed, on the edge of the Grand Canyon. Louise takes Thelma up on her suggestion to drive over the cliff rather than turn themselves in, kisses her friend, and puts the pedal to the metal.