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The Power of One Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Morrie had outfoxed him and avenged himself at the same time. (20.75)

Do you think that Morrie knew all along that Jaapie would take the bet? He was quick with a response that allowed him to get revenge for Jaapie's rude comments, and also make some quick cash. Cha-ching.

Quote #8

"Then, with Mr. Nguni's help and for a small sum, yet to be determined, we'll sell a correspondence course for blacks throughout South Africa. We'll even send one to Captain Swanepoel and tell him to jam it up his arse so that every time he farts he sounds intelligent!" (22.197)

The idea here is that if the police want to shut down the school for Africans to keep them ignorant and easily controlled, the boys will get their revenge by educating even more Africans by mail. What a crafty and creative bunch—sign us up to help.

Quote #9

If its partner is killed, the second snake will often wait for the killer to return, prepared to die in order to take revenge. (23.102)

This is a symbol for Peekay himself; he waits for Granpa Chook's killer to return and risks his life to avenge him. All for a darn chicken. Hey, we'd still be mad too.