The Jungle Book Resources

The Kipling Society, which wants to know how well you know your Kipling (very well, thank you very much), has sections mainly for sailors and mainly for soldiers, but we're sure they wouldn't mind if you took a peek.
Movie or TV Productions

The 1967 Disney animated adaptation is just the bear necessities of Mowgli's story, but with some jazzy music thrown in for good measure.

In the 1994 live-action adaptation, Mowgli is a little older, and more muscular, and more glistening than we feel comfortable with.

Need more songs? The Jungle Book musical is for you.

Amongst the many adaptations, there's even Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book from 1942, which is the oldest of the bunch, and the one with the longest title.
Articles and Interviews

A rare first edition of The Jungle Book holds a lot of family history.

Kipling actually did meet the Twain—Mark Twain, that is—and interviewed him in 1889.

Kipling is, of course, one of the BBC's featured Historic Figures.

In this exceptionally weird adaptation, Mowgli's parents are environmentalists who leave their child unsupervised and he wanders into the jungle but doesn't get eaten because… science?

Disney's TaleSpin takes iconic characters like Baloo and Shere Khan and… has them fly planes? And we thought the last video was weird.

The live-action adaptation starts a hunky Mowgli, Queen Cersei Lannister, John Cleese, and that guy from The Princess Bride. Instant classic.

Who needs Disney when you have the purr-fect Eartha Kitt on your recording of The Jungle Book?

Here's an audio recreation of Kipling interviewing Mark Twain, complete with crazy accents.

You know how sometimes you're listening to the radio, and then you see the person you've been listening to, and they look nothing like you expect? This isn't like that at all. Rudyard Kipling looks exactly like you'd expect him to—or so we're guessing, anyway.

Here's what Indian elephants in captivity, like Kala Nag, looked like, except this one kind of looks happy.

This is one of the cutest covers ever. Don't you just want to squeeze Baloo until he bursts?

And this is one of the artsier interpretations of the text that you'd be proud to put on your shelf.