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Family Quotes in The Corrections

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Chip was in a hurry to get to his apartment before his parents left. Now that he had cash in his pocket, a roll of thirty hundreds, he didn't care so much what his parents thought of him. (2.1022)

The thirty-something-year-old Chip is still terrified of disappointing his parents. That certainly flies in the face of the edgy image he's created for himself.

Quote #5

The universe was mechanistic: the father spoke, the son reacted. (3.179)

Simple, but true. Gary would like to think that he's grown out of this phase of his life, but some things don't change.

Quote #6

Gary left Caroline and followed him, his sense of isolation deepened [...] Her sons would protect her from her husband. Her husband who was a shouter. Like his father before him. (3.291)

Despite his best attempts to avoid it, Gary ends up acting a lot like his father. Now he has a choice: He can accept this and become more empathetic toward Alfred, or he can hide from the truth. We'll let you guess which one he chooses.