Stranger in a Strange Land Resources

Don't be a Stranger. (Yeah, we went there.) This site has a comprehensive bibliography of Heinlein's works, FAQs, and a great section of audio files and other bits of multimedia.

This charitable website is dedicated in Heinlein's memory. And really, we're not surprised he had such an impact on so many people.

Feel like you read a different story than the one we talk about on Shmoop? It's possible that you did. Check out this excellent essay comparing the different versions of Stranger in a Strange Land and learn the nitty-gritty details.
Historical Documents

This obituary points out that "Mr. Heinlein's fictional writings repeatedly anticipated scientific and technical advances." So basically, he was a psychic genius.

Kurt Vonnegut: ever heard of him? Well, now you can read what he has to say about Stranger in a Strange Land. And you thought Shmoop was a literary authority…

This video montage has some awesome photos and great biographical nuggets about the man.

Really want to get intellectual about it? Check out this lecture by Heinlein's biographer, William H. Patterson.

Here you'll find a series of brief audio clips in which Heinlein speaks on different topics, from Apollo 11 to Stranger in a Strange Land. Our favorite quote: "I'd have people 'offer' to explain Stranger in a Strange Land to me." Shmoop wasn't one of those people, we promise.

Where did he get those eyes?

This cover art kind of makes us want to join The Church of All Worlds. Creepy.

Extra points if you recognize the statue on the cover.