The Sound and the Fury Resources
Movie or TV Productions

Hmm. We’re guessing that it’s pretty hard to put the Compsons on the big screen. That doesn’t mean that people haven’t tried, however. Here’s one attempt.

This one’s in the works. It’s so new that we can’t even tell you anything about it. Check it out for yourself.

A TV screenplay of the book. We don’t know much about it, but the pictures of the cast have some pretty incredible hairstyles from the fifties.

OK, so you probably noticed that this isn’t The Sound and the Fury. It’s actually The Big Sleep – but we just couldn’t resist. Faulkner was a screenwriter as well as a novelist – and this is one of his big successes. Directed by Howard Hawks, starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.

Another great Faulkner flick – and by great, we mean an amazingly camp rendition of Egypt. We can’t recommend it enough.

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What? You wanted a photo?

Other than the Hitler mustache, he’s not a bad lookin’ young man.

Faulkner in front of his highfalutin’ technology: a typewriter.

Faulkner won the Nobel in 1949. He gave a pretty amazing speech. Apparently, however, he mumbled through it so quickly that no one realized just how great it was until after it came out in print the next year. Too bad he didn’t have YouTube.

Although this map wasn’t actually published until Faulkner's novel Absalom, Absalom! came out in 1936, it clearly contains the Compson family’s home and stomping grounds.

Ole Miss (that’s the University of Mississippi, in case you didn’t know) has a site with all sorts of Faulkner goodies.

Join the Faulkner society!

He’s a Nobel laureate. Here’s what the fine folks at the Nobel Foundation have to say about him.

Then check out this site. It’s got other folks who feel the same way.

Check out the Faux Faulkner competition. It’s hilarious.

It’s like Faulkner: the Next Generation. Check out the way that you can re-order the novel’s time all by yourself.