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Something Wicked This Way Comes Good vs. Evil Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There are times when we're all autumn people." (38.43)

Given that autumn people are defined in the previous paragraph as having worms ticking in their heads, being from dust, and sifting the human storm for souls, we get that autumn people are bad people. Evil, even. Mr. Halloway suggests here that we're all sometimes a little evil.

Quote #5

[Charles Halloway]: "You don't have to stay foolish and you don't have to be wrong, evil, sinful, whatever you want to call it. There's more than three or four choices." (39.6)

Goodness or evilness is presented as a choice in Something Wicked This Way Comes. Try finding other passages that elaborate on this theme.

Quote #6

[Charles Halloway]: "They, that Dark fellow and his friends don't hold all the cards, I could tell that today, at the cigar store. I'm afraid of him but, I could see, he was afraid of me. So there's fear on both sides." (39.6)

Goodness has its own weapons; we see that both sides of the battle are actually able to utilize fear to get at the enemy.