Sisyphus Resources

Movie or TV Productions

Sisyphus on the Small Screen

The crafty King Sisyphus is a reccurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys where he's constantly finding ways to cheat Death.


Dung Tube

Watch this video and see why dung beetles are called Sisyphus.

Wood Tube

This cool wooden toy shows you what it would be like if Sisyphus tested shoes.

Sisyphus and Malaria

In this animated video from the Malaria Forum, the myth of Sisyphus is used to describe the struggle against the disease.

Animated Sisyphus

This funny little cartoon puts its own spin on Sisyphus's plight.

College for Free

In this video, a pony-tailed professor gives you the low down on Camus' essay "The Myth of Sisyphus." No tuition required.


Metamorphoses for Your Lobes

You can listen to all of Ovid's Metamorphoses, including the part where Sisyphus chills out for a second to listen to Orpheus's song.


Okay, since you begged us. Yes, we will let you hear "Stone of Sisyphus" by Chicago


"Sysyphus" is also the name of a four-part suite by legendary rockers Pink Floyd. Check it out

Get Absurd

Don't miss Camus's essay "The Myth of Sisyphus," which pulls the meaning of life (or lack there of) out of Sisyphus's endless rock pushing.